Colors, and Cheer!
The colorful world of Lady Holiday! My true mission with my beautiful company is to bring color, and glamour to your lives. I love the way color can change your mood, and add a pep to your step. When I browse the pages of home magazines, and fashion magazines, it's the colorful rooms that make my heart so happy. Color has a way of changing a whole room, or transforming a whole outfit. I love how I feel when I put on my bright green satin opera coat, even if it's over my sailor pants and a tee shirt.. It makes me feel divine. As you browse my instagram, and my website, you will see that color is what defines, Lady Holiday! I do hope it brings cheer, and joy to your life! |
Our Custom Collection
Ladies on Holiday
Vintage preppy gal feminine cummerbund.... so sassy
Sale price$129.00
Ladies on Holiday velvet dress elegant
Sale price$89.00
The most divine blue and aqua velvet dress belt!
Sale price$126.00
The most divine fox fur trim basket bag.... so preppy
Sale price$129.00
The most lovely mink shawl lined with Gucci... so extraordinary
Sale price$179.00
The Flirty gal and her love of pink...
Sale price$69.00