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The Preppy Girl Society

The most darling feminine the soft blue.The most darling feminine the soft blue.
The most lovely preppy cotton collar.... so elegantThe most lovely preppy cotton collar.... so elegant
The softest Italian Angora feminine collar..... so prettyThe softest Italian Angora feminine collar..... so pretty
The preppy ladies who lunch straw bag.... so darlingThe preppy ladies who lunch straw bag.... so darling
The most snazzy cigarette case... faux lizard!The most snazzy cigarette case... faux lizard!
This preppy gal big bow clutch elegantThis preppy gal big bow clutch elegant
Vintage preppy gal feminine cummerbund.... so sassyVintage preppy gal feminine cummerbund.... so sassy
1970's vintage Italian equestrian style wallet... so timeless1970's vintage Italian equestrian style wallet... so timeless
1960's classy Mocha Mink headband... so preppy1960's classy Mocha Mink headband... so preppy
The most divine fox fur trim basket bag.... so preppyThe most divine fox fur trim basket bag.... so preppy
The most divine fox fur trim basket bag.... so preppyThe most divine fox fur trim basket bag.... so preppy
The most lovely mink shawl lined with Gucci... so extraordinaryThe most lovely mink shawl lined with Gucci... so extraordinary
The most lovely purple bow earrings... so feminine!The most lovely purple bow earrings... so feminine!
The Flirty gal and her love of pink...The Flirty gal and her love of pink...
The most cheeky basket bag.... so chicThe most cheeky basket bag.... so chic
The most cheeky 1970's basket bag.... so preppy!The most cheeky 1970's basket bag.... so preppy!
The Preppy gal and her love of a classy basket bag!The Preppy gal and her love of a classy basket bag!
Super chic animal print wallet... a truly rare piece!Super chic animal print wallet... a truly rare piece!
Vintage Whiting and Davis snazzy silver clutch bag, adorned with preppy ribbon!Vintage Whiting and Davis snazzy silver clutch bag, adorned with preppy ribbon!
Super preppy vintage Yale University Medical school wool scarf.... so classicSuper preppy vintage Yale University Medical school wool scarf.... so classic
Vintage rare Margaret Smith, wool plaid tote bag.... so classyVintage rare Margaret Smith, wool plaid tote bag.... so classy
Vintage 1960's super chic, and preppy Mink headband.... so classyVintage 1960's super chic, and preppy Mink headband.... so classy
Vintage super classy mink headband.... so preppyVintage super classy mink headband.... so preppy
The Preppy Girl Society... they love the classic navy, and red story... This wallet brings their love for that color palette to whole new level!The Preppy Girl Society... they love the classic navy, and red story... This wallet brings their love for that color palette to whole new level!
Super chic, gold cigarette case, with a monogram.. oh the stories this lovely piece can tell!Super chic, gold cigarette case, with a monogram.. oh the stories this lovely piece can tell!
The Preppy Girl Society super chic, sailboat motif sunglass case... so preppy!The Preppy Girl Society super chic, sailboat motif sunglass case... so preppy!
The Preppy Girl Society raw silk vintage clutch bag, with stunning faux blue topaz delightfulThe Preppy Girl Society raw silk vintage clutch bag, with stunning faux blue topaz delightful